Jaime Acosta Gonzalez
Jaime Acosta Gonzalez
Co-Editor of the Latinx Marxism Multivolume Anthology
Jaime Acosta Gonzalez is a Lecturer in the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Riverside. He was previously Postdoctoral Associate at Duke University in African and African American Studies, where he was coordinator of the Global Blackness Working Group. Before completing his Ph.D. at Duke in the Program in Literature, Jaime studied at Victor Valley College (A.A., Liberal Arts) and the University of California, Riverside (B.A., English, summa cum laude). He has co-edited a special issue of Polygraph: An International Journal on Culture and Politics on the theme of “Neoliberalism and Social Reproduction.” His work has also appeared in Social Text, Novel: A Forum on Fiction, Cultural Dynamics and Jacobin.
His research focuses on the politics of aesthetics, thinking through how art and literature make visible processes of racialization and accumulation central to the historical development of capitalism.