Globalizing Raza Studies
The Global Latinidades Center pursues an expansive intersectional, comparative, transdisciplinary, and transhemispheric approach to the recovery and analysis of Latinidades in the interstices between Area Studies and Ethnic Studies, as well as the spaces beyond these fields in dialogue with Global Studies. Specifically, this initiative focuses on unique Latinidades that are synthesized through cross-cultural encounters, transversal dialogues, and transculturation with peoples and cultures throughout the world over time and place, including Africa and the Mediterranean, Asia and the Pacific Islands, subaltern Europe, and under-examined areas of the Americas.
The Global Latinidades Center thus joins ongoing conversations about what and who constitutes Raza in the global south and worldwide, and about the ways we study and engage with these communities. Accordingly, the Global Latinidades Center is facilitating five research clusters that address its central conceptual range and related research concerns and questions.
Emerging Latinidades Research Cluster
The Emerging Latinidades Research Cluser explores under-examined and new Raza syntheses emerging from complex transversal exchanges in multiple local and global contact zones. These include evolving Raza cultural and ethnic hybridities; new Raza spiritual and cultural identities and communities; unique Raza global travelers and expatriates; new immigrant populations; wide-ranging localized and globalized political ideologies; and related Raza ontologies and epistemologies.
AfroLatinidades Research Cluster
The AfroLatinidades Research Cluster enjoins the long legacy of research on AfroLatinx history, politics, culture, and identity in Caribbean-based Latinx Studies by extending this foundational nodal point in the field to Chicanx and Central American Studies. The field of Latinx Studies has been undergoing a major paradigm shift since the 1990s as the demographic diversity within the category of Latinidades has steadily expanded to include AfroMexican and AfroChicanx culture, most recently featured in the dynamic Son Jarocho Movement. The Black diaspora's reach into Central America has been the subject of Latin American Studies for decades, and the consolidation of Central American American Studies has extended this work into US-based Latinx Studies alongside Central American diaspora studies that further compound the complexities of AfroLatinidades.
Local/Global Revolutionary Theory & Praxis Research Cluster
The Local/Global Revolutionary Theory and Praxis Research Cluster explores unique localized communities engaged in social and political power struggles through grassroots democratic actions and activities that are simultaneously engaged in global epistemic shifts. These include underclass subcultures in rebellion; grassroots community organizing; environmental justice activism; struggles to transform educational institutions; student movements across populations and locales; and alternative multi-issue political organizing.
Art, Culture & Revolution Research Cluster
The Art, Culture, and Revolution Research Cluster explores the relationship between culture, art, and revolution in dialogue with various theories, historical eras, and specific contexts. Several research questions guide this research cluster: what is revolutionary culture and art, what are their contours, and what do they do? This research cluster invites researchers and artist practitioners to collaborate on research, mixed-genre critical creative, and unique creative works as well.
Insurgent Teaching, Learning, and Praxis
The Insurgent Learning and Action Research Cluster focuses on the development and execution of collaborative pedagogies designed to animate democratic social and political movements. These activities include specialized workshops revolutionary pedagogical theories of praxis for consciousness raising and direct action