Jose Prado
Jose Prado
Contributor, Luis J. Rodriguez Anthology
Dr. Prado’s scholarship examines relations of power in and around educational contexts. This is built on a tradition of critical pedagogy and multicultural education from where he and his students have constructed understandings about the character of schooling in both national and international settings. This approach is basic to his nationally- and internationally-based inter-university work, collaborative educational seminar facilitated at Casa de las Américas in la Habana, Cuba, Latitudes de latinidad: A Summer Academic Seminar, radio broadcast work, and recent research and publication that extend understanding about the historical and material conditions of Chicana/o higher education. His contribution to In the Long Run draws from on-going historical, biographic, and sociological studies about Black and Chicana/o youth political activism and militancy in the Los Angeles metropolitan region following the 1965 – 1968 break in the region’s history. Dr. Prado has taught throughout the educational pipeline over the last 35 years as an adult literacy educator, credentialled bilingual educator, and as a university professor of sociology.