Pariticipants Reflect on their Experiences during the Global Spains Workshop on Conviviality and Accompaniment Praxis Summer 2024
After meeting this summer from June 17 to June 28 in Madrid for the 2024 Global Spains Workshop on Conviviality and Accompaniment Praxis, fellows, coordinators, and directors reflect on their experiences during the ten-day program. Funded by The Global Latinidades Center, Duke University's Program in Latino/a Studies in the Global South and developed in collaboration with the grassroots organization YoSoyElOtro, Global Spains gathered students, activists, and artist based in the US and Madrid to think about non-extractive and collectivist modes of knowledge production. Co-director Dagmary Olívar, co-coordinator Maria Zazzarino, and artist fellow Ichmawarmi have shared their notes on the limitations and potentials of these methodologies.