Anastasia Valecce
Anastasia Valecce
HBCU Faculty Facilitator
Anastasia Valecce is an Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies in the Department of World Languages and Cultures at Spelman College. Her research centers on Contemporary Caribbean Studies with a special focus on Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. Her work includes Film Studies, Visual Art, Visual Culture, Performance Studies, Queer and Gender Studies, literature, and pop culture. Her book titled Neorrealismo y cine en Cuba: historia y discurso entorno a la primera polémica de la Revolución (1951-1962), Purdue University Press, 2020 [Neorealism and Cinema in Cuba: History and Discourse on the First Polemic of the Revolution (1951-1962)] retraces the dynamics behind the formation of the revolutionary ideology in Cuban film production and the contacts with the Italian neorealist film aesthetic. Her latest works include several articles on contemporary artistic, cultural, visual, digital, film, and queer productions in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic, and a second book project on queer Puerto Rican performer women artists.