Can the Panthers Still Save Us? Street Actions, Non-Profit Factions and the Non-Movement Against State Violence

Soto, Oscar Fabian and Clint Terrell. "Can the Panthers Still Save Us? Street Actions, Non-Profit Factions and the Non-Movement Against State Violence." St. Antony's International Review 16.2 (June 2021): 88-114.



In the United States, corporations and the global elite have adopted "systemic change" as their slogan, a mere symbolic reform pushed forth to adopt policies that will continue to oppress poor working-class communities. The current upheavals and social movements, we notice, lack revolutionary theory, political education, and critique of global capitalism, specifically in their fight against the criminal justice system. Instead, the majority of social movements focus on reform – a change within the system itself rather than changing the entirety of the system as a whole.