Ichmawarmi or Ichma woman, decolonial / arti-vists / anti-racist performer, from Peru, resident in Madrid. Intercultural manager in Colectivo Ichmaytampu recognized by the Ministry of Culture of Peru, protector of the archaeological heritage of Armatambo which is part of the Inca Trail. Creation of one-woman shows, monologues, direction of collective performances, and participation in different festivals in Peru, Brazil, and Spain with inclusive narratives denouncing the current colonization and for the rights of the native peoples of Abya Yala. In recent years she has directed the urban intervention in the Plaza Colón in Madrid with the art event Descolonicémonos “12 de octubre nada que celebrar” (Let's decolonize ourselves, October 12, nothing to celebrate). Racialized migrant woman, seed collector, dancer, craftswoman, questioner, ritualist, moon singer, feminist activist, facilitator of conflict management and member of various social collectives and assemblies in Madrid.