Jacqueline Méndez
Jacqueline Méndez
Research Assistant
Jacqueline Méndez is a Marxist-Leninst post-graduate in Comparative Literature, hailing from Long Beach State University. A staunch sex trade abolitionist, she is a member of the anti-imperialist, transnationalist, feminist organization of Af3irm. Her research interests lie in proletarian feminism, indigenous ecologies, epistomologies, and pedagogies, kinship models of relation, and current and former socialist project states. She recently presented her paper “Not Right, Not Left, But Backward: A Marxist Analysis of Sunrise Movement, the Republic of Cuba and La Via Campesina,” to excellent reception. She understands the urgent imperative to bridge academia with international proletarian struggle in order to achieve Revolution, and seeks toward this end in her endeavors.