Kevin Ramírez
Kevin Ramírez
Kevin Ramirez Garcia was born in Esmeraldas, a province in northern Ecuador. He migrated to Madrid in 2000, returning in 2016 to study Drama and Playwrighting at the Universidad de las Artes del Ecuador. Since 2021, he resides again in Madrid. He is a playwirght, workshop artist, storyteller and, to his regret, poet. He has participated in eventssuch as the Valencia poetry festival Vociferio XIII and the 1st Decolonial Poetry Festival of the Abya Yala Association of Bilbao, as well as in poetic encounters such as Contracultural: Festival de Cultura Antirracista, Fe de Erratas, and the Literary Jam of Mercadxs Unidxs, Pueblos Unidxs. His work appears in the anthologies Matria poética by Ed. La Imprenta and Intersticios: el lugar de la palabra by La Parcería Edita.